
Centripetal Force Examples Human Geography

Countries today confront a myriad of issues that threaten to divide its citizens. Religious differences, for example, can split people of the same culture. Differences in language tin can be a cause for unrest, and may require resolution by the fundamental regime. Cultural diverseness in many countries is securely rooted and can create powerful divisions within the population. Divisions are a reality in any land, but in that location are also forces that unite countries and strengthen the populace because of a strong dear of and loyalty to their state. This AP® Human being Geography study guide volition explore those forces that divide (centrifugal) or unify (centripetal) a country. We will ascertain centrifugal and centripetal forces and how they can originate in political, economic or cultural dimensions. We will as well discuss why these 2 forces are vital to the survival of the land.

Both centrifugal and centripetal forces exist in the same dimensions, and examples are in the areas of faith, language, ethnicity, government, and physical geography. This study guide will assist you understand the definition centrifugal and centripetal forces and give you examples of how each force can unite or divide a state.

What Makes a Land a State?

America state map - AP® Human geo

The concepts of political geography and the state are important to understand when nosotros talk over centripetal and centrifugal forces, because they may impact the future of a land. In the context of human geography, delight notation that term terms land and country are synonymous and are used interchangeably. Before nosotros look at forces that can separate or unite a country, let'south review the concepts of political geography and the state. Political geography is how humans define and control state and its resources through the establishment of states. Our planet is divided into political units called states or countries. Each country has defined borders, which accept set boundaries, and are organized into a political unit, ruled past an established authorities that has control over its internal and foreign affairs. Countries occupy a defined territory and take a permanent population. A land has sovereignty, which means independence from control of its internal affairs by other states. A nation is a grouping of unified people with a mutual civilization. The Kurds would be an example of a nation without a state of their own. Nation-states describe a state comprised of a population with over ninety percentage of a particular culture. Nippon and Kingdom of lesotho are good examples of nation-states.

A concern of any state is how to stay sovereign in the face of forces that may divide its citizens. States depict on unifying forces to rally its citizens backside forces common to its national identity. A federal state gives local political units similar states or provinces inside that land a measure of ability. Conversely, unitary states are characterized by a strong key government. Divisive forces threaten a country's sovereignty past dividing the country and breaking down the primal government. They are as well forces that unite and bind a land together like a common faith or a shared ideology. Let's look at what those forces are.

Centripetal vs Centrifugal Forces Defined

The theory of centripetal and centrifugal forces is associated with political geographer Richard Hartshorne. He argued that the integration of a state'due south geographical expanse involved two competing forces. Centrifugal forces that pull people autonomously, and centripetal forces that bring people together. These forces tin can limit interaction, producing regionalism and creating dissimilarity among people of a country. So, what stops a country from falling apart? That country must have centripetal forces of greater magnitude than the centrifugal forces. Countries are susceptible to forces that carve up or unite them. Centripetal forces unite a land where centrifugal forces tend to divide. When the centripetal forces boss a state, it will stand up house in the face up of global challenges and struggles, likewise as conflicts within their borders. When internal centrifugal forces threaten to split up the country, the key authorities may interruption down and neglect. A strong and charismatic leader tin mitigate this division. National institutions and symbols can also rally a country together in spite of sectionalisation. Nationalism, or the potent love of and loyalty to one'due south state, is too a powerful centripetal forcefulness and tin create solidarity amidst the populace.

What are Some Examples of Centripetal Forces?

Nosotros know that centripetal force is an attitude that unifies people and enhances back up for a state. In other words, centripetal forces from within a state unite it and go along the country together. They stabilize and strengthen the country and create a sense of unity. Allow'southward await at examples of centripetal forces and why they are important to the state.

National identity is a stiff centripetal force in the political dimension. A popular way of showing national identity is through the use of icons and expressions, depicted in flags, national anthems, and sports teams. These symbols reinforce a national sensation and instill in the population a sense of pride and loyalty. An example of a centripetal force would exist during the 1995 Rugby World Cup. And then president of South Africa, Nelson Mandela used the Springboks, the national rugby team, to help unite a divided nation. S Africa had only broken free from more than 400 years of racial inequality.

Centripetal forces in the economic dimension unite a state by ensuring the population that there are sufficient resources to support the long-term stability of the state. A first-grade infrastructure would be a centripetal forcefulness in a state. When there is a good transportation organisation that is available to all citizens, all the resources of the country are accessible, making life easier for the everyone. The excellent railroad system in India is an example of a centripetal force in the economic dimension.

Centripetal forces in the cultural realm can be the most powerful unifying force all. Religion and language are tied closely with culture and emote strong, sometimes overpowering feelings of unity and are examples centripetal forces within in a state. Hinduism in Nepal and Republic of india brings people together equally they feel a sense of unity. In Israel, Modern Hebrew was created to unify a wave of global immigrants looking for a new life in the Jewish homeland.

What are Some Examples of Centrifugal Forces?

Centrifugal forces, in contrast to centripetal forces, are forces or attitudes that tend to separate a state. Centrifugal forces originate in the same dimensions as centripetal forces, but the forces pull the population apart instead of bringing it together. Centrifugal forces can as well include physical features that limit interaction between the people of the state. Human-made concepts like differences in religious behavior, civilization, and economic activity also act equally centrifugal forces. Equally nosotros learned, to survive, there must be centripetal forces of greater than the centrifugal force in a state. If these centrifugal forces reach a critical phase, it tin lead to Balkanization , which is the procedure where a land breaks down through struggles among indigenous groups. Centrifugal forces alter and weaken a land past disrupting the internal order of the country.

Political forces tin divide a country when its citizens do non trust the key government, disagree with its political ideology, or when minority groups are mistreated or underrepresented. This centrifugal strength tin can lead to poor relationships between the majority and minority groups and fifty-fifty to armed disharmonize or ceremonious war.

Centrifugal forces in the cultural dimension can be just every bit divisive as centripetal forces are unifying. Cultural diversity in many states creates powerful divisions among the people. Religious differences can be an overriding centrifugal strength in a country. These divisions tin atomic number 82 to separatist movements similar the Sikhs in India or the Kurds in Turkey. Another example is the ideological differences between the Shiite and Sunni Muslims, interim as a centrifugal forcefulness because their differences in ideology are polarizing rather than unifying. Language tin can also pull apart a nation as is the case in India where there are more than a dozen official languages. Poor advice tin can lead to misunderstanding and disharmonize.

Economic centrifugal forces tin can create feelings of inequality in a state. Poor regions of a land tin feel disadvantaged by wealthier ones. Richer areas of the land tin can also experience put upon past having to provide subsidies to poorer ones. In Italian republic, the richer north pushed for autonomy from the poorer due south. Despite subsidies, the development gap is growing. In Brazil, wealthier provinces of the s argue that taxation money is beingness misspent by the regime for assistance to the Amazon Wood region.

Centripetal and Centrifugal Forces and the AP® Human Geography Exam

The CollegeBoard places significance on centripetal and centrifugal forces when it comes to the AP® Human Geography exam. The course description even dedicates a learning objective to these forces. You need to brand sure you understand the differences betwixt centrifugal and centripetal forces and how they can unite and divide a country's population. Be certain you take a thorough understanding of both forces and can give examples and specific details based on the three dimensions of centrifugal and centripetal forces: political, cultural and economical.

You lot can expect a FRQ on this topic since it has been function of by AP® Human Geography exams. Here is an example from the 2006 FRQ (question 3)

3. The viability of whatever country depends on a residual between centripetal and centrifugal forces.

  1. Define the concepts "centripetal force" and "centrifugal force."
  2. Give a specific example of and explain a centripetal force that affects the viability of any of the states shown on the map above.
  3. With reference to a different specific example, explicate a centrifugal force that affects the viability of any of the states shown on the map above.

For Part A of the question, make sure you reference the viability of the country in each definition. For example, centrifugal forces divide a state and can lead to a disruption of internal society or balkanization. Centripetal forces unify a state by providing stability and creating solidarity.

For Parts B and C, brand sure you give specific details for each example. If you lot chose faith equally a centripetal force, you might talk about Hinduism in India or Nepal, Islam in Islamic republic of pakistan or Bangladesh, or Buddhism in Bhutan. If yous use cultural divergence or separatist movements as a centrifugal force, y'all can discuss the Sikhs in India, the Muslims in Kashmir, or the Maoist rebels in Nepal.

Make sure y'all do not use the aforementioned forcefulness and country for both B and C. You may employ the same state with different forces, or the same force with different countries.


We accept learned that divisive forces are a reality in our world, but that there are also forces that unite countries and strengthen the state. Those forces that divide are centrifugal, and those that unify are chosen centripetal. We know that both types of forces can originate in the political, economical or cultural dimensions and are vital to the survival of the state. Examples of centrifugal and centripetal strength are found in religion, language, ethnic culture, authorities, and physical geography. Hopefully, this AP® Human Geography study guide has helped you empathise this concept more than conspicuously and so you can apply what you take learned when you take the AP® Man Geography East xam .

Allow's put everything into do. Try this AP® Human Geography practice question:

Centrifugal Forces in Balkanized Countries AP® Human Geography Practice Question

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