
Longitudinal Profile Of A River

In this section we're going to sample elevation from the DEM at fixed distances forth the river. In that way we tin can create a tabular array from which we tin can draw the longitudinal river profile.

1. Open the Processing Toolbox: in the main menu become to Processing | Toolbox.

ii. Choose Vector Geometry | Points along geometry.

3. In the Betoken Along Geometry dialogue choose the Rur_river _dissolved as Input layer. Change the Distance to 1 kilometers and salvage the Intepolated points to thedata_longitudinal_profile.gpkg GeoPackage with the layer proper noun Sample1km.

4. Click Run. Close the dialogue when the processing is done.

The result should look like the figure below.

Now we need to sample the elevation at each of these points.

5. In the Processing Toolbox become to Raster analysis | Sample raster values.

half dozen. In the Sample Raster Values dialogue choose Sample1km as the Input Point Layer and DEM every bit the Raster Layer to sample. Expand the Advanced Parameters and type DEM_ for the Output column prefix. Save the Sampled Points the data_longitudinal_profile.gpkg GeoPackage with the layer name Sample1kmZ.

Sample raster values dialogue

7. Click Run. Close the dialogue afterward processing.

viii. Inspect the attribute tabular array of the effect.

Now we accept an attribute table with a altitude field giving the distance along the river and a DEM_1 field with the meridian.

In the next section we're going to make the contour with the Data Plotly plugin.

Longitudinal Profile Of A River,


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